About the photographs on this website:

These images of workers and workplaces come from several sources in Mexico—the Archivo General de la Nación, the Archivo General del Estado de Veracruz, the Archivo Histórico de la Compañía Veracruzana Industrial, S.A., the Museo Comunitario de Ciudad Mendoza, and others. The selection of them was the work of Bernardo García Díaz and Hilda Flores. Mostly posed by people who have stopped working to have their photograph taken, they show something of what work was like for Mexicans between 1870 and 1930, which since 1970 has been the main subject of my research, principally on work and workers in Veracruz.

The images belong to the archives from which they came, and permission was granted to me to use them for purely educational purposes, nothing for profit. Please do not reproduce them.

John Womack, Jr.